As a Nuffield Health gym member I chose the gym due to the fantastic variety of exercise classes on offer and the number of clubs I can access. Plus they have some great, friendly members to get to know and hang out with. But gym buddies and I quickly realised the linear, club based timetables on Nuffield Health’s website meant it was hard to discover new classes to attend or classes to fill a quiet morning/evening. This dashboard was born out of a need to quickly address this challenge. Bookmark the page to check the timetable when you have a need to discover more classes – but please check with the club website / app timetable to confirm details haven’t changed and to book your class before travelling.
💬 Feedback
If this dashboard helps you, please let me know in the comments below.
Feel free to also leave improvement requests (ideally indicating how the request would help you – i.e. what task are you trying to complete with the improvement request?)
✅ What's new
- Twice daily refresh of timetable data (at 1am and 1pm)
- Colour coded times to indicate class capacity at time of last timetable data refresh
- New dashboards added (as tabs) to discover classes by instructor and by class type
- Improved filters on dashboards
- Improved mobile friendly version – turn mobile landscape for optimal experience
💡 Ideas
- Historical booking insights