The White Swan is one of the oldest independent queer dance bars and clubs in East London. Opened in 1985 it has played a key role in the LGBTQ+ scene over the years. With the closure of so many LGBT+ friendly venues I wanted to support this local community asset and ensure it continues to attract new customers and thrive for years to come. One way to do this would be to drink more, but this may be at odds with other life goals. Instead, I’ve taken the opportunity to volunteer my technical skills and help the team at The White Swan to develop their online presence of The Old Ship pub. is a concept website I built to show how they can improve their existing simple website presence to appeal to customers old and new. The proposed website aims to:
- Showcase the White Swan bar and club as a destination of choice for the LGBT+ community.
- Help customers connect with the White Swan, including to find and contact the venue.
- Highlight the bar’s historical connections to the LGBT+ community.
- Raise the profile of existing event promoters, whilst attracting new promoters to ensure a varied calendar of events.
- Simplify and standardise the presentation of events – using a data driven structure via a content management system.
This concept site is fully functional and easy to manage, update and extend via a WordPress Admin portal backend. I have shared the website with the team at The White Swan for their inspiration and offered to donate it, for free use, if they want an improved online experience with no effort.
This portfolio link to my website concept is to showcase the types of websites I build, and my attention to user experience. I welcome any constructive feedback about the concept site via the comments below.
For reference, here are some photos of the existing website at the time of creating my concept design.

And for comparison here are some of the proposed design pages from my concept .