About Me

I am a strong advocate of social and collaboration tools and techniques, and furthering diversity agendas. I’m a strong believer in working in a transparent environment where colleagues can leverage the diverse thoughts and skills of others to achieve common goals in an efficient way. As a vocal lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) ally I have been actively involved in organisations LGBT employee network committees since 2008.

I graduated with a Mmath Masters degree (Hons, 1st) in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of York in 2008 – with a paper of my final year project published in May 2009, titled “Grammatical Evolution of L-systems”. I have a passion for user interaction/experience and design and is keen to utilise these skills wherever there is an opportunity.

Outside the office I can regularly be found exploring London and honing my photography skills. I am passionate about traveling and design and hves made it his mission to improve my own home: inspired by some of the pins you will find in my Pinterest feed and design articles in my Flipboard magazines.  My influences and portfolio examples can be seen throughout this website.

What to expect from this site

This site is a work in progress intended to pull together a myriad of my external social profiles under one virtual roof, to make it easier for people to find out about me, my passions, influences and achievements.  Please explore the website, and check back soon for updates.

Don’t be shy with commenting, but please do keep those comments constructive. I reserve the rights to remove any comments that are deemed offensive – it is my personal online sandpit after all.

Owning the thoughts

It should go without saying, but all thoughts are my own, and do not represent those of any company I have or do work with.

Contacting me

Should for any reason you see something on this site for which you believe you are the owner of, or you are unhappy with being online, then please contact me.

Similarly please contact me if you wish to reproduce anything on this site, in part or in full

What now?

Have a scout around, and let me know your thoughts via the relevant comments.


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